Mainfert has been in business for over 30 years and has a specific process and approach that we work through with you to ensure you are getting the best results possible. We pride ourselves on focusing on the client, the farming system and the soil rather than just selling standard products.
Below is the process we followed to get several paddocks on a farm near Oxford producing better than they have for many years.
Step 1:
A comprehensive soil test was carried out to determine what nutrients and biology were needed to get the paddocks heading in the correct direction. The results (below) showed low ASC and CEC, so soluble types of fertilisers would not help and would be a waste of resources and money. These paddocks are being used as a benchmark for ongoing crops and applications of nutrients for the remainder of the property.
Step 2:
A crop was chosen which would begin the process of regeneration without taking too many nutrients from the soil, and aid in getting soil life and aeration going with an application of lime to raise the pH and Calcium levels also balance the higher magnesium levels.
Step 3:
A simple mix of nutrients was recommended to start the slow process of increasing the soil anion levels. Slow-release Phosphorous in the form of Mainphos 18, Elemental Sulphur, Salt and the trace elements boron, copper, zinc, and molybdenum.
The results speak for themselves in the images below, a huge growth response, fast recovery and now into the second year. The cattle and deer have taken well to the multi-species mixes and the farmer has been well rewarded with paddocks that now produce better than average levels of good quality pasture through the seasons without the reliance on nitrogen based fertilsers.